The Lännen 8800K multipurpose machine moves swiftly and efficiently on the construction sites and from one site to the next. The entrepreneur Eero Saarela does not let his machine stand idle even during the interview but pushes things smoothly on using his hands-free.
The majority of the Lännen users are entrepreneurs who own just one machine. It's not difficult to find a job for a one-man company with a machine comprising a backhoe, a wheeled loader and an off-road work platform at any time of the year. For Eero Saarela manoeuvring the machine is simply a way of life.
- You almost get addicted to this. It's been said that operating these multipurpose machines is the F1 class of work machines. This is truly a world of its own, especially when we speak about the construction of power lines.
The aerial work platform is really the sharpened canine within power-line construction.
Mr Saarela's multipurpose machine is equipped with a power-line construction system comprising a lift with a platform for lifting people and a pole grip. The lift can be operated from both the platform and the cab. According to Mr Saarela, there are plenty of such jobs, which involve hoisting of people available these days.
So, as an investment, the work platform is by no means redundant, as it offers great potential for obtaining more jobs. The lift can be swiftly moved even into rough terrain and use there for many different tasks, such as, for example, felling problematic trees.
- Without a lift, I wouldn't be able to work for the network company. It is really the sharpened canine for the network construction work. Having the platform improves occupational safety and makes working with the poles lighter – thus saving the operatives from unnecessary aches and pains. Having a lift installed on your machine really makes the difference. Even the customers are demanding it, because it is not allowed to do the demolition work without a platform, explains Saarela.
His next task will be on highway 4, where several 20 kW overhead power lines crossing the road shall be moved away from the route of new lanes. Using the multipurpose machine for the job enables many different tasks to be carried out autonomously.
The sheer power of the new Lännen 8800K is astonishing
Mr Saarela is familiar with the Lännen multipurpose machines from before. Despite that, he was truly surprised by the new 8800K. The machine was delivered early 2019 – at first to the Network Fair and from there – straight to heavy use under extremely cold weather conditions in the city of Oulu. There are a number of positive aspects he wants to point out. At first, I was attracted by the sheer power and reach of this big machine.
- I felt like having arrived in a completely different world! The usability and driving comfort of the machine are spectacular, although the older models were not to blame in this respect either. The machine is surprisingly light and sufficiently agile to manoeuvre both on the highway and in the terrain. The operating hydraulics provide sufficient power for all the implements. Much sooner the driver loses his faith than the machine runs out of power, says Mr Saarela with a laugh.
Lännen brings reliability and comfort to operation
Lännen's powerful hydraulic system combined with the rapid changing of tools enable using a wide range of work attachments. The remote control system provided enables the driver to work autonomously and safely in areas with limited visibility.
- Thanks to the wide range of work attachments available, the machine is really versatile. I have cable ploughs and many different buckets for laying cables, a scissor bucket and cable spooler for demolition work, and energy tree grapple for removal of trees with crown snow-load and clearing trees from under the lines, and a frost cutter, which also converts to a stump cutter. In addition, I also have many different types of snow ploughs and loading buckets available whenever needed. Despite the extra weighted front and the large-sized plough, ploughing snow and winter maintenance of the roads is a breeze, thanks to the excellent manoeuvrability of the machine. Also, the removal of packed ice and spreading sand is exceptionally easy to do. The most important thing is that the machine can be employed every day throughout the year.
- Even the technical service is working well. It's good to know that support and help are readily available even during the weekends. Changing the brand hasn't even crossed my mind. Lännen machines are made to cater for the most needs of the customers and, therefore, the salespersons must always be on the same page with the customer. Constructive feedback is also well-received at the factory, says Mr Saarela.
Better tomorrow in a productive and environmentally friendly way
Lännen has paid special attention to ecology. Lännen 8800K meets the Stage IV emission requirements, and its particle emissions are lower than before. But it is not enough that the unit is powerful and versatile. Only the end result and lasting effects really make the difference.
- Today, many large client companies demand that the emission standards are being met. The versatility of these machines helps build a brighter tomorrow. That's an undeniable fact. When it comes to technical solutions, Lännen has made significant progress, hats off to the whole team at the factory, Eero Saarela concludes.
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